We get to know our client communities, their values and their concerns - and work with them to address environmental issues. We weave a holistic approach through all of our service lines. And we give back through social initiatives!
Our Services

Expert Reviews of
Technical Reports
We review technical and scientific documents using best science. We work to ensure Indigenous Knowledge and our clients' rights and interests are meaningfully incorporated.

Environmental Sampling and Monitoring
We work closely with our clients to develop and implement community-based environmental sampling and analysis plans that address issues and concerns of community members and citizens.

Scientific Advisory Support
We participate on Environmental Monitoring Committees, as well as Scientific Panels, working with our clients to ensure that their rights, interests, values and concerns are meaningfully addressed and that up-to-date science is being used in decision-making.

Environmental Training and Guardians Programs
We develop environmental training programs tailored specifically to our clients' needs. This includes training on scientific sampling techniques and protocols including construction monitoring, as well as water, sediment, benthic invertebrate and fish sampling.

Human Health Risk
We provide technical review services for Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments. We also support the development and conduct of community-driven Country Food Assessments, to assess potential exposures to chemicals of concern through ingestion.

Fish and Aquatic Ecology
We support our clients in developing and implementing aquatic studies that focus on assessing the status and vulnerability of fish and fish habitat. We work closely with our clients to develop aquatic baseline studies, which help in assessing potential stressors on fisheries and identify possible enhancement strategies.

Environmental Management Planning
We work closely with our clients to develop implementable community-based Environmental Management Plans that not only address environmental issues and concerns but also support economic development. We have experience in supporting Land Code Communities under the First Nations Lands Management Act.

Community Engagement
We are skilled in community engagement and are able to work closely with our clients to engage all those involved in a project. We understand the importance of community engagement throughout the life of a project.